Who is an XBarre Fusion Client?

If you can hold onto the barre, you can do it!

A typical class can consist of a seasoned athlete next to an XBarre first-timer, a grandmother next to a pregnant woman.

Women and men. Young and old.

And before you even ask – NO! You don’t have to be flexible to take an XBarre fusion class.  

That’s the beauty of the class.

It will help you to become more flexible!

Every class is designed to be do-able, yet challenging for each and every one of our clients.

Because our classes focus on individualized attention and education, you will be guided to work within your own limits while learning how to push your limits.

You will learn how to connect with your own body for essential and optimal achievement.


Students must be 14 years or older to take class.

Who is a StreX Client?

XBarre believes EVERYONE and we mean EVERYONE is a StreX client and yes, that includes MEN! 


Because we believe people don’t stretch enough – and that most likely includes you.

Male or female.

Fourteen years of age or eighty.

Whether you sit at the computer for endless hours or run marathons –

You Need It”.


Everyone benefits when they trigger the tightness and calm their mind.

What if I have an injury or illness?

Prior to taking class, please alert XBarre of any previous injury or illness.

Once we have a full understanding of your physical situation, we will provide you with individualized modifications throughout class, while still maintaining a do-able, yet challenging session.

XBarre classes are also beneficial in the injury recovery process.

In certain circumstances, clients may be required to submit a doctor’s note prior to taking class.

Can I take a class if I'm pregnant or just had a baby?

Pregnant and post-partum clients are welcome.

Exercise is a key component in feeling better pre/post baby, and we will provide you with the necessary modifications to ensure a safe workout during this exciting time.

How often should I take XBarre Fusion?

Our clients realize their best results when attending XBarre fusion classes three times a week.

The other days, we want you stimulated with various forms of exercise which should also include StreX.

Other forms of exercise include walking, hiking, running, spinning, tennis, paddle, swimming, etc.

We believe that diversity in your workout will keep you challenged physically and mentally.

XBarre fusion classes will also improve your stamina and endurance in other activities.

How often should I take StreX?

You should schedule StreX at least once a week – if not more.

Not only will you become less stiff and more flexible, it will also help prevent injury and clear your head.

Find the time or better yet, make the time.

“You Need It”.

And to answer the often-asked question – Do men take StreX?


Will XBarre help me lose weight?

Good nutrition and fitness go hand-in-hand in terms of weight loss.

While exercising is a key factor in any weight-loss regime, nutrition and daily intake also contribute greatly.

XBarre believes exercise should focus on becoming stronger and more healthy.

Yes, you will burn calories during each and every class and due to the interval training component, you will continue to burn calories throughout the day.

Burning calories throughout the day will in turn result in losing weight – but again, only if you are embracing healthy eating habits, portion control, lowering your sugar intake, etc.

Remember, XBarre wants you to feel empowered, stronger, more clear-headed and balanced every time you leave here.

The extra weight loss is an added benefit.